If you experience any of the conditions listed below, we suggest that you seek medical clearance if you have not previously seen a medical health professional with regards to the condition:
- Any visible congenital or traumatic deformity of the ear or ear canal.
- Any visible evidence of significant earwax build-up or history of excessive earwax build-up, or a foreign body in the ear canal.
- Any fluid or active drainage (blood, pus, or other discharge, not wax) from the ear within the past 90 days.
- Any recent or current pain, discomfort, ear infections, plugged-up, or feeling of fullness in the ear.
- Any history of a punctured or perforated eardrum.
- Any sudden, rapidly progressing, or changing hearing loss within the past 90 days.
- Any present or onset of hearing loss on one side that worsened in the past 90 days.
- Any spells of acute or chronic dizziness.
- Any hearing loss only present on one side that worsened in the past 90 days.
- Any hearing loss that has been investigated by a hearing health care professional and diagnosed as a conductive hearing loss, or air-bone gap.
- Any tinnitus or ringing in one or both ears which began or worsened in the last 90 days.